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Pietro Barozzi

Pietro Barozzi

Venezia 1441 - Padova 1507

Humanist, bishop first of Belluno (1471-1487), then of Padua (1487-1507), Barozzi reconciled literary passion and diocesan responsibilities. In particular, he instituted a Monte di Pietà in Padua in 1491 to fight usury, and he undertook the renovation of the bishop’s residence. He is remembered in particular for the decree he issued on 4 May 1489 – together with the Inquisitor Marco da Lendinara – which declared as excommunicated anyone who publicly professed an Averroist interpretation of Aristotle’s De anima. The measure forced many Padua university professors to revise their points of view: the cases of Nicoletto Vernia and Agostino Nifo are famous. Some commentators also believe that he influenced the commission charged with preparing the bull about the immortality of the human soul, Apostolici Regiminis (1513).

Main works: De modo bene moriendi. Consolatorij libri tres: Officium ad deprecandam pestilentiam. Officium ad impetrandam pluuiam. Officium ad aeris serenitatem poscendam (Venetiis 1531); Il vescovo Pietro Barozzi e il trattato De factionibus extinguendis, a c. di F. Gaeta (Venezia-Roma 1958).

Bibliography: F. Dondi dall’Orologio, Dissertazione nona sopra l'istoria ecclesiastica di Padova, Padova, Tipografia del Seminario 1817, pp. 89 sgg.; M. Bolzonella, Pietro Barozzi vescovo di Padova (1487-1507), Padova, Tipografia del Messaggero 1941; B. Nardi, Saggi sull’aristotelismo padovano dal secolo XIV al secolo XVI, Firenze, Sansoni 1958; Id., Studi su Pietro Pomponazzi, Firenze, Le Monnier 1965; F. Gaeta, Barozzi, Pietro, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 6 (1964); P. Gios, L' attività pastorale del vescovo Pietro Barozzi a Padova (1487-1507), Padova, Istituto per la storia ecclesiastica padovana 1977; J. Monfasani, Aristotelians, Platonists and the missing Ockhamists: philosophical liberty in pre-reformation Italy, «Renaissance Quarterly», XLVI, 1993, pp. 247-276.

R. Zanocco, La biblioteca d'un grande nostro vescovo umanista (Pietro Barozzi 1441-1507), «Bollettino diocesano di Padova», XII, 1927, pp. 442-452.

The library of Pietro Barozzi, of which at least part is in England, was inventoried immediately after his death from 11 to 13 January 1507 for the Diocese by the notary Francesco Caldiera. This inventory is preserved in the 70th volume of the Libri di estimi in the Archives of the Diocesan Curia of Padua. The inventory lists 354 Greek, Latin and vernacular works of various subjects, progressively numbered; some works are by the bishop himself. The author and title is usually given for each work, although occasionally there is only the one or the other. The cataloguing is not thematically based, and the descriptions of the works are brief and haphazard: sometimes there is the indication that the works are manuscripts (often defined as a pena), or printed - a stampa; in other cases the binding is indicated as being in bombicino, in membranis, de veluto, or the volume is listed as laceratus or non ligatus. Few titles carry the specification of being written in Greek. There is no index, but the historical notes which introduce and follow the inventory are fairly plentiful.

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Librorum XV saec. Impressorum index. Appendix Petri Barocii Bibliothecae inventarium, E. Govi recensuit, Patavii, Typ. Antoniana 1958 (appendice alle pp. 141-170).

In this new publication of the inventory previously presented by Zanocco, some corrections and palaeographic improvements (since the original document is badly conserved it is difficult to read) have been made: no. 10 is identified as Tractatus tres Clausularum Vitalis etc.; no. 36 as Repertorium Bertachini: pars tertia; no. 38 is corrected from de applicationibus to de appellationibus; no. 41 has become Consilia Barbatiae instead of Consilia Barbatici; no. 42 Archidiaconus super sesto, etc. instead of Archidiaconus super septimum; no. 70 Joannes Versoris in arte vetere instead of Joannes Versoris in mathematicis; no. 89 Joannes Gerson cancellarius parisiensis in the place of cantor parisiensis; the author of no. 92 (Psalmi et confessionales) is identified as Francisci Petrarcae instead of Franciscus Penare; the author of no. 94 (De sacramentis) is Hugo instead of Vigo; no. 130 is now Augustinus de civitate Dei and not Augustinus de trinitate Dei; the author of no. 145 is Cardinalis Cantuariensis instead of Cardinalis Camerinensis; no. 162, Formularium procuratorum, was identified as Formularium Sacramentorium by Zanocco; no. 165, Festus Pompeus in the place of Festus: a pena; no. 167, Flores speciales Tulii instead of specialium; no. 187, Alphonsi in Evangeliis instead of Alpharisi in Evangelis; nos. 206 and 236, Mesue in the place of Mesne; no. 222, pii secundi geographia and not Pii senensis geographia; the author of no. 254 (de morte) is identified as Petrus parleonis and not Petrus sparleonis; no. 270 has become Casus decretorum instead of Cause decretorum; no. 274, Casus longi bernardi in the place of Cause longi bernardi; no. 299, Hierocles instead of Hierodes; no. 332, Rudolphus de meditationibus Jesu Christi instead of de imitationibus Jesu Christi; no. 338 is specified as being in membranis: a pena. The number of volumes listed has increased by one from the previous publication, i.e., they are now 355: in fact, no. 326 is a second copy of the Pij secundi historia, already listed at no. 322. Nos. 306 and 307 are also inverted. When possible, the editor identifies the listed works with currently used titles and with copies of volumes in possession of the Capitular Library of Padua. There is an auctorum index, but no real introduction, only a few lines at the end of the general Praefatio of the book, in which the editor explains that the text published by Zanocco was not completely dependable, hence the decision to republish the inventory of Barozzi’s library in revised and corrected form.

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last modify: 2013-05-15 22:22:04