Bibliotecas de los filósofos : Bibliotecas filosóficas privadas en edad moderna
Inicio » Índice » Catalogue of the valuable Library of ... Dr. Berkeley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne. Together with ...
linea divisoria

icona doc Catalogue of the valuable Library of ... Dr. Berkeley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne. Together with the libraries of his son and grandson ... George Berkeley ... and ... George Monk Berkeley ... which will be sold ... by Leigh and Sotheby ... June 6, 1796, etc. MS. notes, [1796], 46 p., in 8°.

Índice de contenidos

First Day’s Sale 
Twelves  1
Quarto 5
Folio 7
Second Day’s Sale  
Twelves  8
Quarto 13
Folio 14
Third Day’s Sale  
Twelves 16
Quarto 21
Folio 23
Fourth Day’s Sale 
Twelves 24
Octavo  28
Quarto 29
Folio 31
Fifth Day’s Sale 
Octavo 33
Quarto  36
Folio 37
Sixth Day’s Sale  
Octavo 39
Quarto 43
Folio 44

Última actualización: 2012-12-12 12:12:12