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icona doc Reverendissimi domini domini Richardi Willis, Wintoniensis episcopi, bibliothecæ catalogus. A catalogue of the valuable library of ... Richard Willis, late Lord Bishop of Winchester, to which is added, a large and fine parcel of well-chosen books lately imported ... Which will begin to be sold very cheap ... at T. Osborne’s shop in Grays-Inn, on Thursday the 20th day of this instant February, 1734/5, [London, 1735], VIII + 214 + [2]p., in 8°.

Indice dei contenuti

Historia & Antiquitates Magnae Britanniae & Hiberniae, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 1
Books relating to the History, Antiquities, and Conititution of Great-Britain and Ireland. 3
Rerum Francicarum Scriptores, Lat. Gal. & Ital. 13
Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Lat. Gal. & Ital. 15
Rerum Hispanicarum Scriptores, Lat. Gai, Ital. Hispan. 17
Rerum Germanicarum, Belgicarum, & Regionum Septentrionalium Scriptores, Lat. Gal. & Ital. 18
Historia Naturalis, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 19
Law. 21
Theologia & Hist. Ecclesiastica. 23
English Divinity. 26
Geographia, Itinera, &c. Lat. Gall. Ital. & Hispan. 28
Voyages, Travels, and Books relating to the Hist. of the East and West-lndies. 29
Libri Classici, Grammat. Critici, Lexica, &c. 30
Libri Italici & Hispanici. 37
Libri Medici & Chirurgici. 38
Physick, Surgery, and Anatomy. 42
Historiae Byzantinae Scriptores. 42
Jus Civile & Canonicum. 44
Philosoph. Astronom. & Mathemat. 45
Philosophy, Mathematicks, Astronomy, &c. 47
Architectura, Pictura, Sculptura, Numismata, Pompae,& Antiquitates, Lat. Gal. Ital. & Angl. 47
Bibliothecarii & Miscellanei. 52
Dictionaries and Miscellanies, &c. 53
Natural History and Gardening. 56
Dictionaires & Livres Francois. 56
Historia Generalis. 57
Rerum Britannicar. Scriptores, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 58
Books relating to the History, Antiquities, and Parliamentary Affairs of Great-Britain and Ireland. 60
Rerum Francicar. & Hispanicar. Scriptores, Lat. Gall. Ital. & Hispan. 64
Rerum Francicar. & Hispanicar. Scriptores, Lat. Gall. Ital. & Hispan. 64
Rerum Germanicarum, Belgícarum & Regionum Septentrionalium Scriptores, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 66
Historia Generalis. 67
Asiae, Africae, Americae Itineraria, &c. Lat. Gall. & Ital. 68
Voyages, Travels, and Books relating to the Hist. of the East and West-Indies. 69
Philosophia, Mathermat. Asthrologia, &c. Lat. Gall. & Ital. 70
Philosophy, Mathematicks, Astrology, Architecture and Painting. 74
Historia Naturalis. 75
Boooks of Natural History, Agriculture, and Trade. 77
Theologia &. Hist. Ecclesiast. 78
Livres de Theologie. 81
English Divinity. 82
Architectura, Pictura, Sculptura, Numismata, & Antiquitates, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 87
Libri Medici & Chirurgici. 92
Physick and Surgery. 99
Livres Francoises. 101
Libri Juridici. 102
Libri Classici, Grammatici, Poetici, & Critici. 104
Libri Italici & Hispanici. 110
English Law, Poetry, and Miscellanies. 114
Libri Miscellanei. 119
Histor. & Antiquitates Magnae Britannia & Hiberniae Lat. Gall. & Ital. 120
Books relating to the History, Antiquities, and Parliamentary Affairs of Great-Britain and Ireland. 123
Historia Variarum Gentium, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 131
History of different Nations. 134
Asia, Africa, America, & Itineraria, Lat. Gall. & Ital. 136
Geography, Voyages, Travels, and Books relating to the Hist. of the East and Weft-Indies. 138
English Divinity. 140
Theologia & Hitioria Ecclesiastica. 150
Livres de Theologie. 155
Philosophy and Natural History. 157
Livres Francois. 159
English Poetry, Plays, and Novels. 163
Libri Classici, Poetici, Grammatici & Critici. 165
Law-Books. 179
English Physick, Surgery, and Chimistry. 181
Books of Trade, Husbandry, and Gardening. 184
Translations from the Greek and Latin Authors, in Eng. 185
English Miscellanies. 186
Libri Italici & Hispanici. 191
Historia Naturalis, Lat. & Gal. 194
Architectura, Pictura, Sculptura, Numismata & Antiq. 196
Livres de Poesies. 198
Libri Juridici, Lat. & Gall. 200
Philosoph. Astronom. & Mathernat. 209
Miscellanei & Omissi. 211

ultimo aggiornamento: 2012-12-12 12:12:12