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Letter from Guillaume Pellicier.
Letter from Guillaume Pellicier.

Guillaume Pellicier

Mauguio (Languedoc) ca. 1490 - Montferraud 1568

Guillaume Pellicier, French prelate and diplomatist, was educated by his uncle, the bishop of Maguelonne, whom he succeeded in 1529. In 1536 he had the seat of his bishopric transferred to Montpellier. Appointed ambassador at Venice in 1539, he fulfilled his mission to the entire satisfaction of Francis I, but on the discovery of the system of espionage he had employed the king had to recall him in 1542. Returning to his diocese, he was imprisoned in the château of Beaucaire for his tolerance of the Reformers, so he replaced his former indulgence by severity, and the end of his episcopate was disturbed by religious struggles. He was a man of wide learning, a humanist and a friend of humanists, and took a keen interest in the natural sciences.
(1911 Encyclopædia Britannica)

Bibliography: J. Zeller, La diplomatie française vers le milieu du XVIe siècle, d'après la correspondance de Guillaume Pellicier, Hachette, Paris 1881; Correspondance politique de Guillaume Pellicier, ambassadeur de France à Venise 1540-1542, publiée sous les auspices de la Commission des archives diplomatiques par A. Tausserat-Radel, Paris 1899.

H. Omont, Inventaire de la bibliothèque de Guillame Pellicier évêque de Montpellier (1529-1568), «Revue des Bibliothèques», I, 1891, pp. 161-172.

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