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Pierre Michon Bourdelot

Pierre Michon Bourdelot

Sens 1610 - Paris 1684

Pierre Michon, aka the abbé, the son of a surgeon from Sens who moved to Geneva, was adopted by his uncle Jean. He was the personal doctor of François de Noailles in Rome, then first physician of the prince of Condé and his son the Great Condé. First physician to Christina of Sweden, he was a leading personality within her court. He wrote, among others: De la Vipère, Du Mont­-Etna, etc. He left a manuscript catalogue of his medical books, accompanied by the lives of the authors and a review of their works.

Main works: Recherches et observations sur les vipères (Paris 1671); Histoire de la musique et de ses effets depuis son origine jusqu'à présent... (Paris 1715); Histoire générale de la danse sacrée et profane (Paris 1723).

Bibliography: Roman D'Amat, Bourdelot (Pierre Michon, l'abbé), in Dictionnaire de biographie française, Paris, Librairie Letouzey et Ané 1954, tome VIe, col. 1439-1440.

H. Omont, Catalogue des manuscrits de Jean et Pierre Bourdelot, «Revue des Bibliothèques», I, 1891, pp. 81-103.

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last modify: 2013-03-08 19:19:07