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Delio Cantimori

Delio Cantimori

Russi (Ravenna) 1904 - Firenze 1966

Italian historian. Student of the Scuola Normale in Pisa. In 1934 Giovanni Gentile offered him the position as assistant at the Italian Institute of German Studies in Rome. In 1939 he obtained the chair of modern history at the Faculty of Education in Messina; the following year he returned to the Scuola Normale at Gentile’s invitation. Towards the end of the 1930s he became a sympathiser of the Italian Communist Party. He had to interrupt his teaching position at the Scuola Normale during the period of the Salò Republic; he took it up again in 1944. In 1948 he became a member of the Italian Communist Party, from which he withdrew in 1956 after the events in Hungary. From 1951 he taught modern history at the University of Florence, while continuing to teach courses about the history of the Church and methodology of historical studies at the Scuola Normale. Editorial consultant for Einaudi publishers, he wrote for the Politecnico and Società journals, and translated the first book of Marx’s Das Kapital into Italian. He was deeply interested in the documents and experiences of the 16th century heretics, of whom he identified the veiled language and secret codes, using historical method and humanistic insight to reconstruct unknown historical occurrences.

Main works: Eretici italiani del Cinquecento (Firenze 1939); Riformatori e utopisti 1750-1850 (Firenze 1943); Studi di storia (Torino 1959); Umanesimo e religione nel Rinascimento (Torino 1975).

Bibliography: G. Miccoli, Delio Cantimori: La ricerca di una nuova critica storiografica, Torino, Einaudi 1970; P. Craveri, Cantimori, Delio, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 18 (1975); M. Ciliberto, Intellettuali e fascismo: saggio su Delio Cantimori, Bari, De Donato 1977; R. Pertici, Mazzinianesimo, fascismo, comunismo: l’itinerario politico di Delio Cantimori (1919-1943), in «Storia della storiografia», n. 31 (1997), pp. 3-182; A. Vittoria, Il PCI, le riviste e l'amicizia: corrispondenza fra Gastone Manacorda e Delio Cantimori, in «Studi storici», 2003, n. 3-4, pp. 745-888; G. Sasso, Delio Cantimori: filosofia e storiografia, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale 2005; N. D'Elia, Delio Cantimori e la cultura politica tedesca (1927-1940), Roma, Viella 2007; Delio Cantimori e la cultura politica del novecento, a cura di E. Di Rienzo e F. Perfetti, Firenze, Le Lettere 2009.

Online resources: Il Fondo antico della bibliteca della Scuola Normale Superiore. Esposizione di edizioni di pregio dalle raccolte Delio Cantimori e Eugenio Garin, a cura di B. Allegranti, A. Andrei, L. Biasiori, C.A. Girotto, A. Lorenzini, S. Miglietti, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2008 (PDF)

Biblioteca della Scuola Normale Superiore, fondo Delio Cantimori

Delio Cantimori’s library, which arrived at the Scuola Normale in 1969, contains 33,675 volumes and 11,125 extracts (19th-20th centuries), and an early books collection with 16th-18th century works, some of which are particularly rare and richly illustrated, plus 29 manuscript volumes (cf. Collezioni speciali e biblioteche d’autore, a cura di B. Allegranti).

To accede to the catalogue of Delio Cantimori’s library:

1) Select SEARCH from the website of the Scuola Normale Superiore Library;
2) Select Collezioni SNS;
) Select fondo di provenienza in the tutti i campi section;
4) Write cantimori in the search string;
5) Select Cerca.

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last modify: 2023-11-30 15:23:46