Frans Hemsterhuis
Franeker 1721 - Den Haag 1790
Dutch philosopher who lived at length in Germany, he frequented the "Münster Circle", a literary coterie that exercised a great influence between the eras of Enlightenment and Romanticism. His works on gnosiology, ethics and aesthetics were published posthumously; his Lettre sur l'homme et ses rapports (1772) in particular had an effect on his contemporaries.
Main works: Oeuvres philosophiques (Paris 1792); Œuvres philosphiques, édition critique par J. van Sluis, Leiden, Boston, Brill 2015.
Bibliography: Denis Diderot, Commento alla lettera sull'uomo di Hemsterhuis, a cura di M. Brini Savorelli, Bari, Laterza 1981; Frans Hemsterhuis e la cultura filosofica europea fra Settecento e Ottocento, a cura di L. Illetterati e A. Moretto, Trento, Verifiche 2004; Hemsterhuis: a European philosopher rediscovered, ed. by C. Melica, Napoli, Vivarium 2005.
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