Bibliotecas de los filósofos : Bibliotecas filosóficas privadas en edad moderna
Inicio » Índice » Bibliotheca Chardiniana or, a Catalogue of Books In all Faculties: Being the Remains of Sir ...
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icona doc Bibliotheca Chardiniana or, a Catalogue of Books In all Faculties: Being the Remains of Sir John Chardin’s Library… Will be sold by Auction at Tom’s Coffee-House in St. Martin’s Lane on Monday the 23d Instant … By James Levi, Londra, James Levi, 1713, 22 p. in-octavo.

Índice de contenidos

Libri in Folio  1
Libri in Quarto 3
Libri in Octavo & Duodecimo 7

Última actualización: 2012-12-12 12:12:12