Christian Wolff
Immanuel Kant
Moses Mendelssohn
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten
Berlin 1714 - Frankfurt am Oder 1762
Philosopher and scholar of aesthetics, student of Ch. Wolff and directly inspired by the system of Leibniz, he was also the author of essays and compendiums of ethics and metaphysics, of law and logic.
Main works: Meditationes philosophicae de nonnullis ad poema pertinentibus (Halle 1735); Metaphysica (Halle 1739); Ethica philosophica (Halle 1740); Aesthetica (Frankfurt a.O. 1750-58).
Bibliography: Ethisch-pietistische Prägungen der Logik im 18. Jahrhundert in Halle: Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, Georg Friedrich Meier (=Philosophisches Denken in Halle, Abt.1, Bd. 3), Halle, Schenk 2007; F. Piselli, Perfectio phaenomenon: estetica e metafisica nell’opera di Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, Milano, Università Cattolica 1988.