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Johannes Peter Müller

Johannes Peter Müller

Koblenz 1801 - Berlin 1858

Among the founders of modern physiology, after studying in Berlin, he became assistant professor of K.A. Rudolphi at the University of Berlin (1823). The following year he qualified for university teaching and in 1833 he replaced the same Rudolphi. His Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen is very important. In it he formulated the law of the specific energy of the senses, drawn up again later by H. von Helmholtz. Besides von Helmholtz, other notable scholars among his students were: E. Du-Bois Reymond, R. Virkow, E. Hackel, T. Schwann.

Bibliography: O. Breidbach, Zur Argumentations- und Vermittlungsstrategie, in Müllers Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen, «Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology», 10, 2005, pp. 3-30; M. Hagner, B. Wahrig-Schmidt (hrsg.), Johannes Müller und die Philosophie, Berlin, Akademie Verlag 1993; B. Lohff, Johannes Müller, Integration und Transformation naturphilosophischer Naturinterpretation, in O. Breitbach, T. Bach (hrsg.), Naturphilosophie nach Schelling, Holzbrook, Frankfurt a.M. 2005, pp. 331-70; B. Lohff, Johannes Müller and the beginnings of experimental neurophysiology: concepts and strategies, «Physis. Rivista internazionale di storia della scienza», XXXVI, 1999, pp. 339-354.

Catalog der hinterlassenen Bibliothek des am 28. April 1858 in Berlin verstorbenen Dr. Johannes Müller, Bonn, Druck von Carl Georgi 1858, 309 p.

The catalogue consists of 4877 titles listed in alphabetical order and without division into classes. Following is a short Nachtrag (pp. 287-309) that consists of a list of doctoral dissertations included in miscellaneous volumes, arranged in alphabetical order and without any numbering.

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last modify: 2010-10-19 18:40:05