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Eugène Burnouf

Eugène Burnouf

Paris 1801 - 1852

French Orientalist. Professor of grammar at the École Normale Supérieure (1829). In 1832, he succeeded A.-L. Chézy to the chair of Sanskrit at the Collège de France, position that he held until he died. The same year he was elected to the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, of which he became perpetual secretary just before his death. B. contributed considerably to the knowledge of the Pali language and to that of Avestic.

Main works: Essai sur le Pali (Paris 1826); Vendidad Sadé, l'un des livres de Zoroastre (Paris 1829-1843); Commentaire sur le Yaçna, l'un des livres liturgiques des Parses (Paris 1833-1835); Mémoire sur les inscriptions cunéiformes (Paris 1838); Bhâgavata Purâna ou histoire poétique de Krichna (Paris 1840-1847); Introduction à l'histoire du Bouddhisme indien (Paris 1844); Lotus de la bonne loi (Paris 1852).

Bibliography: Ch. Lenormant, Eugène Burnouf, Paris, C. Douniol 1852; J. Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, Eugène Burnouf, ses travaux et sa correspondance, Paris, Chartres, impr. de Durand 1891.

Catalogue des livres imprimés et manuscrits composant la bibliothèque de M. Eugène Burnouf, Paris, B. Duprat 1854, [8] + 358 p., in 8°

The sale catalogue, compiled on the death of B., is divided into two parts dedicated to printed books and to manuscripts, respectively. The first part consists of a continuous succession of 2,370 descriptions divided within a classification scheme organized into 13 main classes: Théologie (nos. 1-176), Jurisprudence (nos. 177-238), Philosophie (nos. 239-312), Sciences (nos. 240-400), Beaux Arts (nos. 401-428), Linguistique (nos. 429-1746), Géographie et voyages (nos. 1747-2065), Histoire (nos. 2066-2410), Archéologie (nos. 2411-2562), Biographie (nos. 2563-2580), Bibliographie (nos. 2581-2621), Mémoires académiques (nos. 2622-2634), Journaux (nos. 2635-2677) to which is added a section of Textes imprimés de l’Inde (nos. 2678-2730). The second part includes 218 manuscripts.
The index of the names is missing, while the Table des divisions is given at the end of the catalogue. In the Avis preceding the catalogue it can be read that for the common works a mixed system in accordance to the habits of readers was preferred to the strict classification usually adopted when describing a public library, while a linguistic criterion was used for those works written in languages that lie outside ordinary education.

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