The bibliography
The study of private library collections, although part of traditional research, has acquired an ever-increasing importance and relevance in recent years especially as part of the renewal in the vast range of book studies. In particular, the exploration of private library collections is a fundamental aspect of the methodological debate around the history of libraries (Serrai 1994), divided between either a historical-institutional approach or a more bibliographic one (Traniello 2006). It is no accident that private collections have become a preferred topic in the most recent occasions of collective discussions about these questions (Petrucciani-Traniello 2003; Nuovo 2005; Sabba, being printed).
Private collections presuppose a considerably vaguer definition of a library than that which derives from a study of the political-administrative events of single library institutions. It implies, in fact, a level of analysis completely removed from the consideration of these aspects, and requires a focus on the cultural profile of each collection’s bibliographic identity. This is necessary both as a fundamental element to analyse the stratification of the collections in the libraries—as for example the Passionei Library that merged into the Angelica Library (Serrai 2004)—and as a indication of research interests, disciplinary horizons and bibliophilic orientations which have marked historic epochs, categories of readers and, naturally, single personalities.
In this purely bibliographic perspective, the study of private libraries has taken the form of publications which have given increasing weight to an exact and detailed reconstruction of collections. This occurs through the identification of editions and the creation of rich indices thanks to which the information can be explored as a starting point for a cultural analysis—as, for example, in the case of the Library of Bembo (Danzi 2005) or the Library of Aldo Manuzio the Younger (Serrai 2007).
The systematic recognition of documentary sources is an indispensable premise for this type of approach (Nuovo 2006). This has taken on ever-greater relevance after the pioneering work of Pollard (Pollard-Ehrman 1965), as can be seen from the importance accorded it in the history of bibliography (Serrai 1988-2001) and by the increase in value placed on the archives of culturally-important figures (see, for example the Guida by Capannelli-Insabato 1996 and 2000). Or by the new attention given to archives of libraries (Archivi 2002) for a more thorough knowledge of their collections in stratigraphic terms, and by the census of their special collections (see, for example, as far as personal collections are concerned, Fondi e raccolte 2007). In particular, alongside the bibliographic catalogues and inventories, auction catalogues are at the centre of a renewed attention (Charon-Parient 2000, Myers et al 2001). Although little value has been given to these in Italy, with the exception of work on the collections of the Angelica Library (Ceccarelli 1990), they have been the focus of numerous projects at an international level. These projects have sometimes concentrated on the reconstruction of the phenomenon of sales (Selm 1982 and 1990, Loh 1995, Loh 1997, Gebauer 1981), at other times on the exploration of book collections in large libraries (Mattingly-Burnett 1915, Munby-Coral 1977, Blogie 1982, Bléchet 1996).
Familiarity with these instruments and the systematic scrutiny of the repertories of sources will necessarily constitute a preliminary phase of the entire research project, which therefore includes conspicuous bibliographic research and the periodic updating of the data.
Archivi 2002: Archivi di biblioteche. Per la storia delle biblioteche pubbliche statali, Roma 2002.
Bardet-Ruggiu 2005: Bardet J.-P. et Ruggiu F.-J. (éds.), Au plus près du secret des coeurs? Nouvelle lectures historiques des écrits du for privé, Paris 2005.
Bec 1984: Bec C., Les livres des Florentins (1413-1608), Firenze 1984.
Besterman 1935: Besterman T., The beginnings of systematic Bibliography, London 1935.
Bianchi 1993: Bianchi L., Per una biblioteca libertina: Gabriel Naudé e Charles Sorel, in Canone 1993.
Bizzocchi 2004: Bizzocchi R., In famiglia. Storie di interessi e affetti, Roma-Bari 2004.
Bléchet 1991: Bléchet Fr., Les ventes publiques de livres en France, 1630-1750: répertoire des catalogues conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale, Oxford 1991.
Bloogie 1982-1997: Bloogie J., Répertoire des catalogues de ventes de livres imprimés [appartenant a la Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er], Bruxelles 1982-1997.
Blum 1959: Blum R., Vor-u. Frühgeschichte du nationalen Allgemeinbibliographie,. Frankfurt a. m. 1959.
Capannelli-Insabato 1996: Capannelli E. - Insabato E., Guida agli archivi delle personalita della cultura in Toscana tra '800 e '900: l'area fiorentina, Firenze 1996.
Capannelli-Insabato 2000: Capannelli E. - Insabato E., Guida agli archivi delle personalita della cultura in Toscana tra '800 e '900: l'area pisana, Firenze 2000.
Campioni et al. 2003: Campioni G., D’Iorio P., Fornari M.C., Fronterotta F., Orsucci A., Nietzsches persönliche Bibliothek, Berlin u. New York 2003.
Canone 1993: Canone E. (a cura di), Bibliothecae selectae. Da Cusano a Leopardi, Firenze 1993.
Carella 1993: Carella C., La biblioteca di Voltaire, in Canone 1993.
Cazalé 2004: Cazalé B.C. et Klapisch-Zuber Chr., Mémoire de soie et des autres dans les livres de famille italiens, «Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales», LIX, 2004, pp. 805-808.
Ceccarelli 1990: Ceccarelli M.G., Vocis et animarum pinacothecae. Cataloghi di biblioteche private dei secoli XVII-XVIII nei fondi dell'Angelica, Roma 1990.
Charon-Parinet 2000: Charon A. - Parinet É. (éds.), Les ventes de livres et leur catalogues, XVIIe-XXe siècle, Paris 2000.
Danzi 2005: Danzi M., La biblioteca del cardinal Pietro Bembo, Génève 2005.
Dilthey 1889: Dilthey W., Archive der Literatur in ihrer Bedeutung für das Studium der Geschichte der Philosophie (1889) in Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. 4, Teubner, Stuttgart 1959.
Favaro 1886: Favaro A., La libreria di Galileo Galilei descritta e illustrata, «Bullettino di Bibliografia e di storia delle Scienze matematiche e fisiche», 19 (1886), pp. 219-293.
Favaro 1887: Favaro A., Appendice alla prima libreria di Galileo Galilei descritta e illustrata, «Bullettino di Bibliografia e di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche e fisiche», 20 (1887), pp. 372-376.
Fondi 2007: Fondi e raccolte personali nelle biblioteche pubbliche italiane (sec. 15.-20.), introduzione di V. Romani, Manziana 2007.
Gebauer 1981: Gebauer H.D. von, Bücherauktionen in Deutschland im 17. Jahrhundert, Bonn 1981.
Goinga 1994: Goinga H. van, The long life of the book: public book auctions in Leiden 1725-1805 and the second-hand book trade, «Quaerendo», 24, 1994, pp. 243-274.
Kibre 1936. Kipre, P., The Library of Pico della Mirandola, New York 1936.
Loh 1995: Loh G. von, Verzeichnis der Kataloge von Buchauktionen und Privatbibliotheken aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, Leipzig 1995-.
Loh 1997: Loh G. von (bearb.), Die europäischen Privatbibliotheken und Buchauktionen. Ein Verzeichnis ihrer Kataloge, Leipzig 1997.
Malclès 1967: Malclès L.-N., La Bibliographie, Paris 1967(6).
Martin-Roger 1983: Martin H.-J. - Roger C. (éds), Histoire de l'édition française, Paris 1983.
Mattingly-Burnett 1915: Mattingly H. and Burnett I.A.K. (compiled by), List of catalogues of English book sales 1676-1900 now in the British Museum,. London 1915.
Mordenti 2001: Mordenti R., I libri di famiglia in Italia. Geografia e storia, 2 voll., Roma 2001.
Mordenti 2004: Mordenti R., Les livres de famille en Italie, «Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales», LIX, 2004, pp. 785-804.
Muccillo 1993: Muccillo M., La biblioteca greca di Francesco Patrizi, in Canone 1993.
Müller-Bergen 2007: Müller-Bergen A.-L., Schellings Bibliothek (=Schellinghiana, Bd. 19), Stuttgart 2007.
Munby-Coral 1977: Munby A.N.L. - Coral L. (eds.), British book sale catalogues 1676-1800: a union list. London 1977.
Myers et al. 2001: Myers R.-Harris M.- Mandelbrote G. (eds.), Under the hammer: book auctions since the seventeenth century, New Castle / London 2001.
Nuovo 2005: Nuovo A. (ed.), Biblioteche private in età moderna e contemporanea. Atti del Convegno internazionale Udine, 18-20 ottobre 2004, Milano 2005.
Nuovo 2006: Nuovo A., ‘Et amicorum’ costruzione e circolazione del sapere nelle bibliteche private del Cinquecento, in Borraccini R.M. - Rusconi R., Libri, biblioteche e cultura degli ordini regolari nell'Italia moderna attraverso la documentazione della Congregazione dell'Indice: atti del Convegno internazionale, Macerata, Universita degli studi di Macerata, Dipartimento di scienze storiche, documentarie, artistiche e del territorio, 30 maggio - 1 giugno 2006, Citta del Vaticano 2006, pp. 105-127.
Orsucci 1994-1995: Orsucci A., ‘Ein ineinandergreifendes Zusammenarbeiten, wie es in den Naturwissenschaften besteht…’ Anmerkungen zu Diltheys Arbeitsweise’, «Dilthey-Jahrbuch», 9, 1994-1995, pp. 92-115.
Palumbo 1993: Palumbo M., La biblioteca lessicografica di Leibniz, in Canone 1993.
Petrucciani-Traniello 2003: Petrucciani A. - Traniello P. (a cura di), La storia delle biblioteche: temi, esperienze di ricerca, problemi storiografici: convegno nazionale, L'Aquila, 16-17 settembre 2002, Roma 2003.
Pollard-Ehrman 1965: Pollard G.-Ehrman A., The distribution of books by catalogue from the invention of printing to A.D. 1800 based on material in the Broxbourne library, Cambridge 1965.
Poulain 1988-1992: Poulain M. (éd.), Histoire des bibliothèques françaises, Paris 1988-1992.
Sabba in corso di stampa: Sabba F. (a cura di), Le biblioteche private quale paradigma bibliografico. Atti del convengo internazionale, Roma, 10-12 ottobre 2007, in corso di stampa.
Selm 1982: Selm B. van, A list of Dutch auction sale catalogues printed before 1611, «Quaerendo», 12, 1982, pp. 95-129.
Selm 1990: Selm B. van, Book sales catalogues of the Dutch Republic, 1599-1800, initiated by B. van Selm ; editors J.A. Gruys and H.W. de Kooker, Leiden, 1990.
Selm 1985: Selm B. van, The introduction of the printed book auction catalogue: previous history, conditions and consequences of an innovation in the book trade of the Dutch Republic around 1600, «Quaerendo», 15, 1985, 1, pp. 16-54; 2, pp. 115-149.
Serrai 2007: Serrai A. La biblioteca di Aldo Manuzio il giovane, Milano 2007.
Serrai 2004: Serrai A., Domenico Passionei e la sua biblioteca, Milano 2004.
Serrai 1988-2001: Serrai, Storia della bibliografia, 11 voll., Roma 1988-2001.
Serrai 1994: Serrai A., La storia delle biblioteche: un concetto da riformare, in A. Serrai, Biblioteche e Bibliografia. Vademecum disciplinare e professionale, a cura di M. Menato. Roma 1994, pp. 93-95.
Traniello 2006: Traniello P., La storia delle biblioteche: spunti per un'analisi critica, «Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari», 20, 2006, pp. 271-289.
Tricard 2002: Tricard J., Les livres de raison français au miroir des livres de famille italiens: pour relancer une enquête, «Revue historique», CCCIV, 2002, pp. 993-1011.
Villey 1908: Villey P., Les sources et l'évolution des Essais de Montaigne, Paris 1908.