- Research resources for library catalogues
- Research resources for auction catalogues
- Historical catalogues and special collections
- Research resources on the Provenance
- Research resources for collections of manuscripts
- Research resources for archival materials
Research resources for library catalogues
This paragraph collects a selection of useful web resources to identify and find information on catalogues of private and public libraries. More in particular, those resources consist in research tools that allow to search for historical catalogues, sale and auction catalogues, for the most part pertaining to libraries, collections or single printed books and manuscripts belonged to persons of historical or cultural relevance.
- American Antiquarian Society - Booksellers' and Auction Catalogs
Collection of booksellers’ and book auctioneers’ catalogues in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society
The collection of booksellers’ and book auctioneers’ catalogs in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society is an important resource to the history of the American book trades. Catalogs issued through 1840 are fully cataloged online. Those that appeared to the present are not cataloged and are filed alphabetically by firm name. To easily find the booksellers’ and book auctioneers’ catalogues in the online catalog, access the advanced search by subject and enter the string "booksellers’ catalogs" into the search box. - Book Sales Catalogues of the Dutch Republic, 1599-1800
Catalogue numbers 1-3748 (Instalments 1-21). Guide to the Microfiche Collection
Edited by H.W. de Kooker and K.J.S. Bostoen, Leiden University. General Advisor: M. Keblusek.
This Guide comprises short title descriptions of all book sales catalogues that have been microfilmed within the framework of the project Book Sales Catalogues of the Dutch Republic, 1599-1800. This project encompasses printed catalogues issued as independent publications within the present frontiers of the Netherlands and its former colonies before the year 1801. - Catalogue collectif des bibliothèques des musées de France – Catalogues de vente
Sale catalogues in the libraries of the French Museums
The on-line catalogue of the Bibliothèques des Musées de France offers the possibility to directly search for sale catalogues after selecting the search option: “Catalogues de vente”. - Early Modern English Library Catalogues:
A Working Bibliography
Author: W.M. Hamlin. Hosted by the Department of English at Washington State University. Web site established: 8 June 2006.
The purpose of this bibliography is to provide, in an online format, a cross-referenced and fully searchable list of library catalogues from early modern England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales (roughly 1500-1700). The list is particularly oriented toward the libraries of writers and scholars, and it also includes bibliographical references to the collections of many continental figures, several of whom (e.g., Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Desiderius Erasmus, Michel de Montaigne) were influential in English letters. - Esprit des livres
Database of modern age sale catalogues in the libraries of Paris
Scientific Director: A. Charon. Paris, École nationale des chartes.
Book sale catalogues are a fundamental source for the study of private libraries. In 1998 the École nationale des chartes started a collective catalogue of book sales catalogues dated before the 19th century, that are preserved in the libraries of Paris. Content is accessible both through the advanced search, and through various indexes of catalogues by title, owner, seller or printer. - Guide to Sale Catalogues
Guide to the British Library's collection of sale catalogues
The guide describes the range of current and historic auction sale catalogues and book dealer catalogues held at the British Library in London. It also lists the main printed and online reference tools that can be used to gain access to them. - INHA and Gernet-Glotz Libraries – Catalogues de vente
Sale catalogues in the Libaries of Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art and of Gernet-Glotz
Through the on-line catalogue of the Libraries of the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art and of the Gernet-Glotz institute in Paris, it is possible to directly search for sale and auction catalogues after selecting “Catalogues de vente” from the search options. - Inventaire de la sous-serie ab xxxviii des archives nationales:
Collection of autographs’ and ancient books’ sale catalogues of libraries and auction houses (France and abroad)
Author: P. David. Direction scientifique: C. Nougaret. Paris, Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, 2003-2005.
This research instrument lists the sale catalogues of libraries and public sales regarding ancient books and autographs, both French and foreigners, which are kept in the Centre historique des Archives nationales since the second half of the 19th century until today. - Murray Collection – Catalogues of book sales and libraries
Catalogues of book sales and libraries from the Murray Collection, University of Glasgow
The personal library of David Murray (1842-1928), Glasgow lawyer, antiquary and bibliographer, is presently owned by the University of Glasgow's Special Collections Department. In addition to his local collections, Murray also collected extensively catalogues of book sales and libraries. The material of this collection is electronically indexed and searchable on-line. To search for catalogues from the Murray collection, see the instructions in the paragraph: "How to find material in the Murray Collection". - Princeton University Library – Antiquarian Booksellers catalogues
Collection of antiquarian booksellers catalogues in the Library of the University of Princeton
Incomplete, catalogued but useable runs of catalogues of selected American, English and Continental antiquarian booksellers are kept by the Princeton University Library. The catalogues are now indexed online and the records show the extent of the run. - Royal Irish Academy - Sale catalogues collection
Collection of Sale catalogues in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin
The Royal Irish Academy Library collections include numerous book sale catalogues from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Over the years, the libraries of many private collectors in Great Britain and Ireland were sold at auction, and the auction catalogues provide invaluable information on the collecting habits and intellectual interests of their owners. - Wallace Collection Library & Archives - Historical Sale catalogues 1662-1900
List of historic book sale catalogues in the Wallace Collection Library
The Wallace Collection Library makes available through its website an enhanced version of the list of its historic sale catalogues (1662-1900), specifying when its copies are annotated with prices, buyers, provenance etc. These include rare and sometimes unique items, such as its sub-collection of early Phillips sale catalogues. The Historical sale catalogues list (1662-1900) link to the list can be found at the bottom of the Wallace Library's webpage.
Research resources for auction catalogues
Information useful to identify libraries of philosophers and related materials, can be retrieved even in auction catalogs, which are sometimes exclusively dedicated to auctions of printed books and manuscripts, and more often involve auctions of objects and goods of various kinds, which include individual lots of printed books and manuscripts. This section contains web resources to search for information on the auction catalogs.
- Art Auction Catalogs
A Finding Guide for Library of Congress Researchers
Compiled by Lois Korzendorfer. This guide was designed to assist researchers in identifying and locating auction catalogs at the Library of Congress. The first section lists reference books which identify particular sales; the second section gives call numbers and brief holdings information for the major art auction catalogs held by the Library of Congress. - Auction Catalogs
Digital collection from the Metropolitan Museum of Arts Libraries
This collection includes digitized auction sales catalogs in the public domain. The “American Art Association” collection is a growing set of digitized auction catalogs from this very important New York auction house. The “18th Century French Auction Catalogs” collection includes 42 French auction catalogs published in the 1770s and 1780s. Among the oldest sale catalogs in the “Watson Library” collection, many are heavily hand-annotated. - Getty Research Institute – Auction Catalogs
Specific search for auction catalogs in the Library catalog of the Getty Research Institute
The on-line Library Catalog of the Getty research Institute allows for searching within the collections of the Library after applying a specific filter which limits the results of the research to “Auction Catalogs Only”. - JSTOR Auction Catalogs - Beta
A digital resource for Auction Catalogs
JSTOR is collaborating with the Frick Collection and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in a pilot project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to understand how auction catalogs can be best preserved for the long-term and made most easily accessible for scholarly use. The prototype website of the project is open to the public. - National Art Library historic catalogues – Sales catalogues catalogue
Collection of sales catalogues in the National Art Library - Victoria and Albert Museum's
The old card catalogue of this collection (transferred to microfiche in 1987) contained entries for about 48.000 auction house sale catalogues, with a supplementary list of owners' names. Thanks to the Heritage Project these are now accessible on the Library catalogue. - National Gallery of Canada – Auction Catalogues
Collection of auction Catalogues in the Library of the National Gallery of Canada
The Library of the National Gallery of Canada holds a collection of about 50.000 auction catalogues, of which nearly 4.000 are Canadian. Catalogues of fine and decorative arts and photography are collected; book sales also feature in the collection. Most catalogues date from the 1880s onwards, though there are a few from the early 19th century. It is possible to search the catalogue of the Library by format, after selecting “Auction catalogues only”. - New York State Library – Auction Catalogs Collection
Collection of Auction Catalogs in the New York State Library from 1750 to 1983
The collection was formed in large part from catalogs that were used as acquisition tools by the New York State Library. The auction catalogs collection, representing 69 auction houses, spans rare book-selling activity from 1750, with the majority dating from 1860 to 1938, and offers an historical view of the rare book business in America. The houses are primarily American, with a smattering of British, French and German houses. - NYARC – Arcade
Catalog of the New York Art Resources Consortium
Arcade unites the collections of the Frick Art Reference Library and the libraries of the Brooklyn Museum and The Museum of Modern Art. The Frick Art Reference Library is one of the largest repositories of auction catalogs and provenance information in North America. Its collection consists of more than 80.000 catalogs, with an annual acquisitions rate of 1.500. Catalogs from more than 1.000 auction houses in Europe, Australia, and the Americas, ranging in date from the eighteenth century to the present, are represented in the collection. It is possible to search the Arcade catalogue by format, after selecting “Auction Catalogs”. - SCIPIO - Sales Catalog Index Project Input Online
Database on art and rare book sales/auction catalogs
This database distributed by the OCLC FirstSearch service to various Libraries, describes art and rare book sales and auction catalogs dating from the late 16th century to currently scheduled auctions that have not yet been held. Both North American and European auction houses and some private sales are included. SCIPIO is a joint project of 25 different fine arts organizations, combining their art catalog collections. - Yale University Library – Auction Catalogs
Collection of auction catalogs in the Yale University Library
The Yale University Library owns a large collection of auction catalogs. Orbis, the on-line Library Catalog, provides access to the auction catalogs by main entry (the auction house, dealer, or the name of the owner of the collection), the title of the catalog, and occasionally by subject of the sale (e.g. Drawing, Dutch -- Catalogs), as well as through the call number index.
Historical catalogues and special collections
In order to facilitate the research and identification of libraries and collections belonged to philosophers, within the present paragraph is presented a selection of specific resources, that offer free access to the digitized format of, or that offer a survey of, historical catalogues and special collections of private or public libraries, archives or collections assembled by persons of historical or cultural relevance.
- Biblioteca Digitale Italiana – Cataloghi Storici
General Directorate for Italian bibliographic heritage - ICCU
The collection includes 216 historical catalogues from 36 Italian libraries ruled by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, by Local Administrations and Cultural Institutes, assembling on the whole 6.843.454 images. - Fondi nel web
Online guide to archival collections and documents in the Library of Archiginnasio
This web resource offers a complete and updated census of the 257 special collections preserved in the Archiginnasio Library of Bologna. It collects the descriptions of the collections and some notes related to the available research tools: lists, inventories, analytical inventories. - RICI - Le biblioteche degli ordini regolari in Italia alla fine del XVI secolo
Database resulting from the Research on the “Inchiesta della Congregazione dell’Indice” (RICI) of the prohibited books
This database contains the transcription of the lists in the codices Vaticani Latini 11266-11326, where are listed the books belonging to some religious of the Italian convents and monasteries that, after the publication of the Index librorum prohibitorum by Pope Clemens the VIIIth, were acquired by the Holy Congregations of the Index of prohibited books, during a period of time from 1596 to 1603.
Research resources on the Provenance
In this paragraph are listed some research tools and web resources that provide information on the provenance of bibliographic and archival material, with particular reference to information on the owners of libraries, special collections, printed books and manuscripts. Also resources providing indirect information on the provenance are included, such as collections of ex libris, fire marks and other provenance marks.
- ALB1876 - American Libraries before 1876
Database. The Davies Project at Princeton University
Database containing more than 9.800 records for over 80 types of libraries, searchable on 14 fields. - Alphabetical List of Private Book-Owners and Institutional Collections
List by William M. Hamlin
Alphabetical list of former book-owners (c. 1500–1700) compiled by Prof. Hamlin as part of his project ‘Early Modern English Library Catalogues: A Working Bibliography’. - Bibliography – Ex Libris
ILAB list of resources for bookplates
List of resources for identifying bookplates published in the website of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers. - BMF - Bibliothèques médiévales de France
Repertoire of catalogs, inventories and other lists of medieval manuscripts (8th – 18th centuries)
Repertoire of ancient inventories and catalogues of French medieval libraries. Includes specific information on the former owners. - Bookplate Registry
University of Notre Dame Libraries. Rare Books and Special collections Department
This project is setting up a database to support a cooperative online bookplate registry so that libraries around the world could create entries describing and depicting bookplates, or ex-libris, in their local collection. A Prototype registry is available through the project website. - Captured and Rare Book Collection
All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow (VGBIL)
Electronic database of owners’ inscriptions of rare and displaced editions in major European languages based on the VGBIL’s rare books collections. The collection is particularly strong in books with German library provenances. The project web page provides access to the electronic version of the Spoils of War International Newsletter and to the on-line database of provenance marks from the collection. - CERL – Early Book Owners in Britain
A database containing the bibliographic data collected by Margaret Lane Ford
The private ownership of printed books has been, up to now, a barely investigated question. Margaret Lane Ford has addressed the private ownership of printed books in the late 15th and early 16th century. For a contribution to The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain she has gathered evidences of provenances for the time period in question from over 4300 printed works. - CERL - Index Possessorum Incunabulorum
Find personal and corporate owners of incunabula
IPI contains some 32.000 entries of personal names, institutional names, monograms, and arms pertaining to the ownership of incunabula. They were extracted by Paul Needham from some 200 published catalogues of incunabula with provenance information and augmented with information from his personal research. - CERL – MEI
Material Evidence in Incunabula
MEI aims to trace the circulation and use of incunables across Europe. Through MEI, one can search not only bibliographical records but also copy-specific notes. As far as possible, provenance evidences are geographically and chronologically identified and the previous owners are socially characterized. - CERL - On-line provenance resources
List of Provenance resources
List of on-line resources for the provenance of bibliographic and archival material, ordered for geographical areas. - CERL – Thesaurus
Access to European Bibliographic Heritage
The CERL Thesaurus file contains forms of imprint places, imprint names, personal names and corporate names as found in material printed before the middle of the nineteenth century - including variant spellings, forms in Latin and other languages, and fictitious names. - English book owners in the seventeenth century
A work-in-progress listing: revised 2010
Author: D. Pearson. The Bibliographical Society, Electronic Publications, 2007 (latest version December 2010)
A list which represents work in progress to construct a reference source on seventeenth-century English book owners. - Ex Libris y marcas de procedencia
Database. Real Biblioteca, Madrid
This database contributes to the research and diffusion of the book collections in the Real Biblioteca of Madrid, after identifying, describing and classifying various bookplates: ex libris, super libros and others. - Former owners
Biblioteca de Reserva of the Universitat de Barcelona
Database of Former Owners of the books in the Biblioteca de Reserva of the Universitat de Barcelona. Records have digitised images of signatures and other provenance marks. - Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar – OPAC
On-line catalog of the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar
In the OPAC of the Weimar Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek it is possible to search for provenances after selecting the field PRV (Proveneinzen). - Incunabula Provenance index – Cambridge University Library
Index of Personal Owners of Incunabula
This provenance index lists personal owners of incunabula, books printed before 1501, within Cambridge University Library. - INKA Inkunabelkatalog – Eberhard karls Universität Tubingen
On-line collective catalogue of German incunabula
Collective catalogue of incunabula from 44 different German libraries. Includes provenance information. - Inkunabelkatalog – Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
Catalogue of incunabula in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
The incunable database has a searchable provenance field and digitised images. It provides a searchable index to the published volumes of the incunables catalogue. - LAIT - Libri antichi in Toscana 1501-1885
Collective catalogue of old editions in the libraries of Tuscany
Regional collective catalogue of the historical-bibliographic heritage of ancient books kept in the Tuscan libraries. It contains about 150.000 records describing books preserved in 64 libraries. It is possible to search the catalogue for owner name and current location. - Marcas de Fuego
Collective Catalogue of Fire Marks
Collective catalogue of Fire Marks, burnt into the fore edges of the books and also in the front cover or the endsheets in the Colonial period, in New Spain, by various religious orders and institutions such as colleges or seminaries, and also by private individuals. - Penn Provenance Project
Pennsylvania University, Provenance project
Images of Unidentified, partially identified, or identified bookplates, stamps, inscriptions, and bindings from the Special Collections of the Pennsylvania University Library are published on Flickr. - PLRE.Folger
Private Libraries in Renaissance England
PLRE.Folger is a project of the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington D.C., which complements the printed volumes Private Libraries in Renaissance England with three searchable databases available through the project website, containing about 13.000 books related to 196 different owners. - Provenance des livres anciens
Bookplates of ancient books in the Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon
The database of digitized images Provenance contains the reproductions of the bookplates which permit to reconstruct the geographic and intellectual paths of books, and to identify their former owners and readers. - Provenance index of the Bodleian Incunable Catalogue – Bodleian Library
Index of Provenances, Owners, Donors and other names
Provenance index of the Bodleian Incunable Catalogue. It gives access to extended provenance information for the incunables in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. - Provenance - Orbis Catalog, Yale University Library
Specific Special Collections Subjects for retrieving information on provenance
Orbis, the Yale University Library Catalogue, allows to search for “Special Collections Subjects” which are subjects created at Yale to trace provenance, imprint, chronology, etc., as well as binding information specific to Yale copies. Special tracings are made for autographs, bookplates and other indications of previous ownership in books in the Beinecke Library and other special collections. - Provenance research – The British Library
Guide for provenance research of books in the care of British Library
Guide for researchers published on the web in the “Help for Researchers” pages of the British Library. It applies primarily to books now in the care of the British Library Early Printed Collections department. Much of the guidance will also be relevant to items in other departments whose books, periodicals and ephemera were once part of the British Museum Department of Printed Books. - Provenance resources – Bodleian Libraries
Collection of auction and booksellers’ catalogues and other resources for Provenance in the Bodleian Libraries
The Bodleian Library at Oxford owns an extensive collection of auction and booksellers' catalogues, many of them annotated (providing, for example, prices, buyers' names, and the identity of some anonymous consignors); a card index of consignors; a card index of the marks of ownership of hundreds of book-collectors. - Provenienzen – Staatliche Bibliothek Regensburg
Index of provenances for the books in the National Library of Regensburg
On-line list of former owners and donors of the books preserved in the collections of the State Library of Regensburg up to the year 1830 (with a few later collections). - Rare Book Collections @ Princeton
Blog of the Department of rare Books, Princeton Univerity Library
News of acquisitions, holdings, and activities of the Rare Book Division - Rare Books Named Collections – Bodleian Library
Bodleian Library Index of shelfmarks and named collections
The Bodleian Library at Oxford offers an index of provenances with brief details of the named collections containing rare books in the Bodleian, and includes provenance details for all of its major collections. - Shelf and ownership marks of selected libraries and collections
Absorbed by the Princeton University Library
List of ownership marks of collections and libraries absorbed into the main collections of the Princeton University Library. - Shelf marks and ownership marks
Princeton University Library
List of shelf marks and ownership marks that are or have been in use in the Princeton University Library. - Sources for Provenance Research
The Clark Art Institute
This list contains selected primary documents, monographs, and electronic resources cataloged by the Clark Art Institute library that may be of use to researchers tracing the ownership and movement of art objects over time, with particular emphasis on the World War II era. - The Archives Directory for the History of Collecting
Database by the Centre for the History of Collecting – The Frick Collection
The Archives Directory for the History of Collecting is a pioneering resource created to help researchers locate primary source material about American art collectors, dealers, agents and advisors, and the repositories that hold these records. The database is a work in progress that is regularly updated with information contributed by both institutions and individuals. - The Libraries of the suppressed Religious Houses, Rome, 1876
List of 78 libraries confiscated. Updated February 2008
Appendix to the article by Marina Venier (Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale) The computerised archive of owners in the older publications database of SBN: the experience of the National Central Library of Rome, CERL Papers V, 2005, pp. 43-53, containing the list of 78 libraries of the suppressed religious houses (1873) that were confiscated for the benefit of the newly created National Central Library (1876). - The private Lives of Books
Exhibition catalogue. National Library of Scotland
Catalogue of the exhibition arranged in conjunction with CERL’s 2004 Annual Seminar: Books and their owners: Provenance information and the European cultural heritage. - Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek Mainz – OPAC
On-line catalog of the Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek Mainz
In the OPAC of the Mainz Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek it is possible to search for provenances after selecting the field PRV (Provenienzen/Exemplarspezifika).
Research resources for collections of manuscripts
This paragraph collects some references to surveys and databases available online, that are useful to identify manuscripts and to search for descriptive and more specific information on their location, content and provenance.
- Digital Scriptorium
Database – Columbia University Libraries
Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research. It is possible to search for Provenance in the Advanced search. - Index of Medieval Manuscripts
Database - University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Digital catalogue comprehending a vast amount of medieval manuscripts kept in some of the richest and important European libraries, with information on provenance. - Manuscripta Mediaevalia
Database by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Collective database joining hundreds od catalogues completely digitized, containing the descriptions of thousands of manuscripts. - Manus Online
Census of the manuscripts kept in the Italian Libraries
The database MANUS contains the descriptions and digital images of manuscripts kept in various Italian libraries, both public and private. In the Advenced search it is possible to search also for libraries and fonds.
Research resources for archival materials
Here below are listed the main web portals dedicated to Archives. Through them, it is possible to access other web resources provided by the national archival systems for supporting the research of collections and archival materials.
- Archives Portal Europe
The European Portal of Archives
The Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from different European countries as well as information on archival institutions throughout the continent. - Austria – AIS
Archive Information System
Online catalogue of the Austrian State Archives (Österreichisches Staatsarchiv). - Belgium – Search.Arch.
Search in the National Archives
Online catalogue of the National Archives of Belgium (Rijksarchief). It is possible to search for Archives, Persons, physical persons or corporate bodies who produced the archives, or topics. - Bulgaria – ASA
Archives State Agency
Website of the National Archives Agency of Bulgaria. Gives access to the online catalogue. - CENSO – Guía
Archivos de España e Iberoamérica
Guide to the archives of Spain and Latin America. The online catalogue permits to search the archival heritage of the archives located in those geographical areas. - Croatia – ARHINET
Arhivski informacijski sustav
Archival Information System of the Croatian State Archives. The online catalogue allows to search for archives and collections in the Republic of Croatia. - Denmark – DAISY
Catalogue of the Danish State Archives
Daisy is the online catalogue of the Danish State Archives. In Daisy it is possible to search for information about the creators of the Danish Archive series (authorities, companies, private individuals, etc.) as well as searching through the Archives series itself. - Finland – VAKKA
The database provides registers and descriptive information about all the holdings of the National Archives Service (excluding the holdings in the Sörnäinen Unit). - France – Base EGERIE
Index général des fonds d’archives
General index recording the current status of the documentation stored in the National Archives of France, edited by the Centre Historique des Archives Nationales. - France – BnF archives et manuscrits
Bibliothéque nationale de France
Online catalogue of the manuscripts and archives of the National Library of France. - France - BORA
Archives privées
The directorate of the French Archives started a first application that progressively makes a census of all of the private archives stored in the repositories of the National Archives and of the departmental archival services. In the next future, also the municipalities, libraries and other public and private bodies preserving similar archives will be associated. - France – Calames
Online catalogue of archives and manuscripts in French University and Research Libraries
Online catalogue of archives and manuscripts preserved in the French university libraries, in the libraries of research institutes and of the main cultural institutes. - Germany – ARGUS
Archival search engine
The ARGUS search engine offers the possibility of cross-discipline research in the guide of National Archives (Bundesarchiv) as well as in Federal Archives online inventories. - Germany – ZDN
Zentrale Datenbank Nachlässe
The central database for personal papers (ZDN), edited by the National Archives (Bundesarchiv) in cooperation with other archives and organizations, records and verifies complete and partial personal papers from over 1,000 institutions. - Ireland – NAI
The National Archives of Ireland
Portal of the National Archives od Ireland. Offers direct access to the online catalogue. - Italy - SAN
Sistema Archivistico Nazionale
The National System of Archives (SAN: Sistema Archivistico Nazionale) offers one central access-point for information on the Italian archival heritage. SAN collects data mainly from the systems directly managed by the general Directorate for the Archives. They are: the General Guide of the Archives; SIUSA, describing the public and private archival heritage that is kept outside of the State Archives and is administrated by the Archival Superindendencies; SIAS, which describes the materials kept in the State Archives. SAN also collects data from other local archival description systems, starting from the Italian Regions. - Malta – NAM
The National Archives of Malta
Website of the National Archives of Malta. An online catalogue is available. - Portugal - PPA
Portal Portugues de Archivos
The Portuguese Portal for Archives (PPA) is the public interface of the Portuguese archives network (PAN). It allows users to perform searches into the repositories that joined the network. The portal harvest periodically metadata from those repositories, concentrating it in a central repository managed by Directorate General for the Portuguese Archives (DGARQ). - Serbia – Archive of Jugoslavia
Arhiv Jugoslavije
Website of the Archivi of Jugoslavia in Belgrad. Gives access to the online catalogue. - Spain – PARES
Portal de Archivos Españoles
The Portal of Spanish Archives is aimed at the diffusion of the historical-documentary heritage preserved in the net of the Spanish Archives. It gives access to an online general catalogue, to a catalogue of the Spanish archives and to some digitized collections. - Switzerland – SFA
Swiss Federal Archives
The Swiss Federal Archives (SFA) hold documents that have been generated in the course of parliamentary, Federal Council and Federal Administration activity. In addition to administrative documents, SFA also store the archives of private individuals of relevance to Switzerland as a whole. The private archives include the personal papers and letters of individuals who have featured prominently in the history of the Swiss Confederation. - Switzerland – SLA
Swiss Literary Archives
SLA owns the most remarkable collection of Swiss literatures of the twentieth century and the millennium, holding more than 250 complete or partial archives, more than 60 libraries formed by literature authors and archives formed by living authors. Electronic catalogues, inventories and searching tools permits to access to this material. - United Kingdom - NRA
National Register of Archives
The NRA contains information on the nature and location of manuscripts and historical records that relate to British history. It is possible to search UK collections by corporate, personal, family or place name. - U.S.A. – National Archives
The National Archives and Records Administration
Web portal of the National Archives and Records Administration.