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Karl Franz Buddeus (Budeus)

Karl Franz Buddeus (Budeus)

Halle 1695 - Gotha 1753

German jurist and politician, second son of the theologian Johann Franz. Studied in Jena, then moved to Weimar. Employed in financial and legal administrations in various German principalities, he became the vice-chancellor of the Landesregierung of the Saxe-Gotha Duchy in 1750.

Main works: Felicitas civium ex felici principis coniugio, s.i.l. (Müller 1716); Theses de ratione errores oppugnandi et veritatem defendendi (Jena 1718); Untersuchung des wahren Grundes, aus welchen die höchste Gewalt eines Fürsten über die Kirche herzuleiten ist (Halle 1719); Schreiben an seine Kinder von seinen Lebens-Geschichten (Gotha 1748).

Bibliography: E.J.H. Steffenhangen, Buddeus, Karl Franz, in Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, Bd. 3, Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot 1876; J.F. von Schulte, Die Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur der Canonischen Rechts, Stuttgart, F. Enke 1880.

Bibliotheca buddeana. Catalogus der Bibliothek Herrn Carl Franz Buddei, weiland Herzoglich Sachsen-Gothaischen Vicecanzlers zum Friedenstein, welche aus einem guten Vorrathe theologischer, iuristischer, medicinischer, philosophischer, mathematischer, historischer, und philologischer Schriften, Gotha, Reyher 1754, 346 p.

The sale catalogue, presumably drawn up at the death of Buddeus, lists 5,645 descriptions divided by topic and format, and continuously numbered within each subgroup. It has two parts: the first has an appendix which lists further information; the second has an index of the various sections. The index of names and the classification scheme are missing.

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last modify: 2011-01-15 09:58:20