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Henri Bergson

Henri Bergson

Paris 1859 - 1941

Main works: Œuvres, Paris, PUF 1959; Mélanges, Paris, PUF 1972; Correspondances, Paris, PUF 2002; Cours, 4 vol., éd. H. Hude (avec la collab. de J.-L. Dumas et F. Vinel), avant-propos par H. Gouhier, Paris, PUF 1990-2000; Leçons clermontoises, 2 vol., éd. R. Raggianti, Paris, L’Harmattan 2003-2006; Cours de psychologie de 1892-1893 au lycée Henri-IV, éd. A. Panero, Paris-Milan, SÉHA-Arché 2008; Cours de philosophie de 1886-1887 au lycée Blaise-Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand : morale, métaphysique, histoire de la philosophie, éd. S. Matton, prés. A. Panero, Paris-Milan, SÉHA-Arché 2010; Cours de morale, de métaphysique et d’histoire de la philosophie moderne de 1892-1893 au lycée Henri IV, éd. S. Matton, prés. A. Panero, Paris-Milan, SÉHA-Arché 2010.

Bibliography: P.A.Y. Gunter, Henri Bergson. A Bibliography, Bowling Green, Bowling Green State University, Philosophy Documentation Center, 19862.

Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, fonds Henri Bergson

Henri Bergson’s library includes works in several languages, in particular in English; exemplars of his own texts; books of philosophy, theology, etc. The largest part contains lecture notes in Bergson's handwriting.
Bergson’s will ordered the destruction of his personal papers, though some of them were conserved by the heirs of the philosopher. His office was taken over by his daughter Jeanne. When Jeanne died, the Bergson Archive was entrusted to the Bibliothèque nationale de France and to the Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet. The first received the manuscripts of printed works, the second the rest of the manuscripts, his personal library, and his office.
This original collection was enriched through donations made by people close to the philosopher, and by the library.
Bergson's library is listed in a handwritten inventory, made after its incorporation into the Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet.
The catalogue has been published on-line in the catalogue of the Système universitaire de documentation (Sudoc):
. An inventory of the manuscripts noted present in the works of Bergson library is also available. This inventory is in the catalogue of manuscripts of the high teaching (Calames): http://www.calames.abes.fr/pub/bljd.aspx#details?id=FileId-440.
External link: Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet Website: (http://www.bljd.sorbonne.fr/detailFonds.php?nom=Bergson).

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Caterina Zanfi, La bibliothèque allemande idéale de Bergson

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last modify: 2023-12-15 10:21:22