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Felice Tocco

Felice Tocco

Catanzaro 1845 - Firenze 1911

Philosopher, historian of philosophy and culture, professor of anthropology at the University of Rome from 1871, and then of history of philosophy at the University of Pisa and at the Regio Istituto di Studi Superiori in Florence. Student of Bertrando Spaventa and Francesco Fiorentino he tended towards neo-Kantism and was one of its most rigorous Italian proponents. Among his historiographic contributions, his essays dedicated to Giordano Bruno are fundamental; he co-edited Bruno’s Latin works together with F. Fiorentino, G. Vitelli, V. Imbriani and C.M. Tallarigo.

Main works: Ricerche platoniche (Catanzaro 1876); L’eresia nel medioevo (Firenze 1884); Le Opere latine di Giordano Bruno esposte e confrontate con le italiane (Firenze 1889); Studi francescani (Napoli 1909); Studi kantiani (Palermo 1909).

Bibliography: A. Olivieri, Felice Tocco. Le carte e i manoscritti della Biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Firenze, Firenze, Olschki 1991; M. Ferrari, I dati dell'esperienza. Il neokantismo di Felice Tocco nella filosofia italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento, Firenze, Olschki 1990; S. Bassi, Francesco Fiorentino e Felice Tocco, in Il Contributo italiano alla storia del Pensiero - Filosofia (2012); ead., Tocco, Felice, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 95 (2019).

Biblioteca dell'Università di Firenze, fondo Felice Tocco

Tocco’s volumes arrived at the Istituto di Studi Superiori in Florence in part through purchase (1914) and in part as a donation from Tocco’s son Roberto (1947). It is one of the most precious collections of the library of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Florence, since it fully covers Italian philosophic literature of the first fifty years after the unification of Italy. There are also important foreign volumes about various sectors of interest: psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, anthropology, history and literature. It contains 2,078 works and a miscellaneous section, of particular importance, with 3,579 brochures. The collection is enhanced with 56 files of Tocco’s manuscripts (preparatory materials for lections and publications, transcripts of codices and documents). There is still the original inventory of the collection.

Bibliography: Guida ai fondi speciali delle biblioteche toscane, a cura di S. Di Majo, Firenze, DBA 19962.

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