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Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten

Berlin 1714 - Frankfurt am Oder 1762

Philosopher and scholar of aesthetics, student of Ch. Wolff and directly inspired by the system of Leibniz, he was also the author of essays and compendiums of ethics and metaphysics, of law and logic.

Main works: Meditationes philosophicae de nonnullis ad poema pertinentibus (Halle 1735); Metaphysica (Halle 1739); Ethica philosophica (Halle 1740); Aesthetica (Frankfurt a.O. 1750-58).

Bibliography: Ethisch-pietistische Prägungen der Logik im 18. Jahrhundert in Halle: Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, Georg Friedrich Meier (=Philosophisches Denken in Halle, Abt.1, Bd. 3), Halle, Schenk 2007; F. Piselli, Perfectio phaenomenon: estetica e metafisica nell’opera di Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, Milano, Università Cattolica 1988.

Catalogus librorum a viro excellentissimo amplissimo Alexandro Gottlieb Baumgarten, suos et amicorum in usus comparatorum, Francofurti ad Viadrum, Winter 1762, 222 p.

The great library of Baumgarten was sold at his death in various auctions. This first catalogue, which contains the entire collection but has no continuous numbering, sometimes divides the collection to sell based on topic (e.g., Libri philosophici et politico-iuridici), but sometimes the criteria are not clear (Libri miscellanei priores).

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Bibliothecae Baumgartenianae Pars I., quae collectionem bibliorum, exegetica, theologica et ecclesiastica continet, cum appendice bibliothecae separatae medicae et miscellaneae, et manuscriptorum, Halle, Gebauer 1765, 806 + 94 p.

The first part of the principal catalogue of the library—a selection of books was already sold in 1762—includes biblical texts, theological works, collections of sermons, lives of saints and other writings on religious topics. Two small sections, at the end of the catalogue, propose scientific (Libri medici, physici et chymici) or various works.

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Bibliotheca Baumgartenianae Pars II. Sectio I quae Historica, Philosophica cum Physicis et Medicis, Philologica et alia ad disciplinas humaniores spectanctia complectitur, cum appendice Epistolicorum, Halle, Gebauer 1766, 386 p.

The second part of the principal catalogue of the library includes, generally, "profane knowledge", so philosophical, juridical, historical and literary texts, as well as scientific works and others. The first section of the second part of the catalogue contains books of history, philosophy and philology, but also works of medicine and other sciences. The appendix contains a collection of letters.

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Bibliotheca Baumgartenianae Pars II. Sectio II quae Litteraria, Palaeotypa, Juridica, Gallica, Italica, Hispanica, Lusitanica, Anglica, Rabbinica, Orientalia, Miscellanea, Incompacta cum Appendice librorum omissorum varii argumenti complectitur, Halle, Gebauer 1767, 340 + 112 p.

The second section of the second part contains encyclopaedic texts and texts from manuals (the Historia eruditionis, the histories of the libraries, etc.), juridical works, books printed prior to 1520, various works in French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English. The concluding chapter is dedicated to oriental studies. The appendix uses, with some variations, the same subdivisions.

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last modify: 2018-11-06 12:59:29