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Arnaldo Dante Aronne Momigliano

Arnaldo Dante Aronne Momigliano

Caraglio (Cuneo) 1908 - London 1987

Italian historian, student of Gaetano De Sanctis. Obtained the chair in Roman history at the University of Turin in 1936, he was unable to teach from 1938 due to the passage of the anti-Semitic racial laws in Italy. In the Nazi concentration camps he lost his parents and other eleven members of his family. He found refuge at Oxford. In 1945 he was able to return to teaching in Italy, although he maintained positions in several universities in England and London. Associated with important, international historical journals, he studied the relationships of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures with other civilizations of their periods, as well as the influence that the Greeks and Romans had on modern society.
Donald Kagan defined him as "the most important scholar in the world about the historiography of the ancient world".

Main works: Philippe de Macédoine. Essai sur l'histoire grecque du IVe siècle av. J.-C. (Firenze 1934); Contributi alla storia degli studi classici (Roma 1955-1992); Studies in Historiography (London 1966); Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography (Oxford 1977); Problèmes d'historiographie ancienne et moderne (Paris 1983); Les fondations du savoir historique (Paris 1992); Sagesses barbares. Les limites de l'hellénisation (Paris 1979).

Bibliography: C. Ampolo, Il contributo di A. Momigliano alla comprensione di Roma arcaica, «Rivista Storica Italiana», C, 1988, pp. 283-296; S. Berti, Autobiografia, storicismo e verità storica in A. Momigliano, «Rivista storica italiana», C, 1988, pp. 297-312; H. Bracke, Il problema della libertà nella vita e nel pensiero di A. Momigliano, «Ancient Society», XXIII, 1992, pp. 297-323; P. Brown, A. Dante Momigliano, «Proceedings of the British Academy», LXXIV, 1988, pp. 405-442; L. Canfora, L'ellenismo di Momigliano, «Studi storici», XXX, 1989, pp. 53-58; C. Dionisotti, Ricordo di Momigliano, Bologna 1989; G. Sasso, Delio Cantimori: filosofia e storiografia, Pisa 2005; L'archivio Arnaldo Momigliano. Inventario analitico, a cura di G. Granata, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2006; R. Di Donato, Momigliano, Arnaldo Dante (Arnaldo Dante Aronne), in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 75 (2011).

Biblioteca della Scuola Normale Superiore, fondo Arnaldo Momigliano

The library of Momigliano, acquired in 1989 by the Scuola Normale, contains 17,325 volumes, 284 ring binders of extracts divided in two sections organized respectively by topic and by author, and a collection of periodicals including La Critica that belonged to Gaetano De Sanctis. The collection focuses on classical antiquity with particular importance given to ancient history; there are also conspicuous sub-collections of works related to Hebraism, to the history of modern and ancient religions, to anthropology and sociology.

To accede to the catalogue of Arnaldo Momigliano’s library:

1) Select SEARCH from the website of the Scuola Normale Superiore Library;
2) Select Collezioni SNS;
) Select fondo di provenienza in the tutti i campi section;
4) Write momigliano in the search string;
5) Select Cerca.

The resulting list can be ordered by author, title or year.

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last modify: 2023-12-18 10:20:42