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Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe

Knutstorp 1546 - Praha 1601

Die Bibliothek des Thyco Brahe, von Univ.-Prof. Dr. W. Prandtl, Wien, Verlag Herbert Reichner 1933, 16 p.

This is a short study devoted to the library of Tycho Brahe, consisting of a catalogue of the volumes included in it, which are only those that the author has been able to find. The catalogue is thus incomplete. With respect to the current placement of the volumes, Prandt maintains that most of them are kept in the Library of the University of Prague. The catalogue (pp.11-14) is divided into two sections, A and B. The first lists the titles of the single works, organized by subject. In the second section the volumes are catalogued according to the supposed date of purchase and separated into four chronological divisions: thus it does not refer to the single works already mentioned in section A, but to the Sammelbande, in which most of them are bound. The catalogue is preceded by a short essay (pp. 1-11) and it is followed by some conclusive considerations of the author (p. 16).

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last modify: 2011-03-08 11:36:12