Bibliotecas de los filósofos : Bibliotecas filosóficas privadas en edad moderna
Inicio » Índice » The Library of Edward Gibbon. A catalogue of his books. Compiled by Geoffrey L. Keynes, ...
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icona doc The Library of Edward Gibbon. A catalogue of his books. Compiled by Geoffrey L. Keynes, with the assistance of R.A. Skelton. With an introduction by G. Keynes, London, Jonathan Cape 1940, 288 p.

Índice de contenidos

Notes on the materials for the catalogue of Gibbon's Library 37
Abbreviations in the catalogue 39
A 43
B 61
C 85
D 106
E 117
F 122
G 129
H 142
I 158
J 159
K 166
L 168
M 185
N 204
O 209
P 211
Q 232
R 233
S 242
T 261
U 273
V 274
W 280
X 286
Y 287
Z 287

Última actualización: 2012-12-12 12:12:12